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sicurezza pubblica soluzione: Migliorare la sicurezza con realtà Capture
Trasforma il lavoro di sicurezza pubblica del tuo team con l'acquisizione della realtà 3D. Sfrutta l'acquisizione 3D della realtà e il n/a software per l'analisi forense, la pianificazione pre-incidente e processi di sicurezza pubblica più intelligenti e sicuri.
What are the benefits of LiDAR in Civil Engineering?
LiDAR in construction enhances infrastructure planning with accurate 3D data, improving design, monitoring, and sustainability for civil engineering projects.
Reality Capture and MEP in Building Construction
Learn how Mechanical Engineering & Plumbing (MEP) work in building construction is being improved with 3D laser scanning, scan to BIM, and advanced software.
Daubert in Detail: How the Admissibility Standard for Expert Testimony in Court Has Evolved
Explore how the Daubert Standard shapes forensic science and digital forensics, ensuring expert testimony and 3D scanning technology meet legal criteria.