Webinar/gravação de apresentação

Jobsite execution using remote coordination capabilities

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Remote collaboration is a paradigm shift for many construction projects.
DJM Design, CAD & Coordination Services was recently hired to capture the as-built conditions of the Animal Arts veterinary facility using 3D laser scanning. John Brown, Head of 3D Scanning, will present along with Heather Lewis, Principal of Animal Arts Design Studios, to share how they collaborated remotely to support the creation of a CAD model to assist in the design elements.

Watch this on-demand webinar to:

Learn to coordinate project teams across the country using remote coordination and 3D laser scanning
Learn to adjust business operations to a post COVID19 as remote collaboration becomes a necessity
Learn to reduce change orders by implementing 3D laser scanning during preconstruction
Learn how streamlining projects with 3D laser scanning can save time and money
Review recent project cases demonstrating success in hard numbers
Meet the Presenters
Heather E Lewis | Principal, AIA, NCARB

Heather joined Animal Arts in 2000, became a Principal in 2004 and is our resident equine and large animal design expert. She is extremely versatile and highly experienced in all aspects of animal care design, from the front-end development of animal shelter projects to the construction of large-scale veterinary projects. Heather is also a member of the Fear Free Advisory Board and the creator of the "Fear Free" standards for veterinary hospital design.

John Brown | Head of 3D Scanning DJM Design CAD & Coordination

John leads the 3D scanning division of DJM Design CAD & Coordination and gives project managers, general contractors and architects a competitive edge with scanning technology. He has an in-depth knowledge of 3D scanning and 3D printing, and has a keen interest in emergent construction technologies.HeatherELewisJohnBrown
Webinar/gravação de apresentação
Arquitetura, engenharia e construção
Controle de qualidade da construção
Coleta e modelagem do As-Built
Projeto e layout de design
Arquitetura, engenharia e construção
Scanners 3D
BuildIT Construction
Criar e construir

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