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Hybrid Reality Capture Powered by Flash Technology Webinar

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Join Oliver Bürkler, Director of Laser Scanning and Noah Wells, a Field Application Engineer for an engaging look at the new Hybrid Reality Capture, powered by Flash Technology.

The live event (held April 25) instructed attendees on how to get the most out of this revolutionary upgrade when using a FARO Focus Premium Laser Scanner and also how to access the new scan mode in the Stream Mobile app. Ideal for large-volume scanning, see how an up to 50% time savings will transform your 3D laser scanning projects and which applications will benefit most from this new workflow.


Oliver Burkler

Oliver Bürkler

Oliver Bürkler is the Director of Laser Scanning, FARO Technologies, Inc. where he focuses on the development of FARO’s 3D documentation hardware and related new innovations.

Noah Wells

Noah Wells

Noah Wells is a Field Applications Engineer for FARO Technologies, Inc. He joined FARO in 2021 as part of the New Graduate Development Program and serves the Northwest and California regions.

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Scanners 3D
Webinar/gravação de apresentação
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