Webinar/gravação de apresentação

Crime scene to courtroom: How technology can make you a better court expert

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Expert testimony can be invaluable, especially when paired with accurate and compelling presentations.

Do you want to ensure that your evidence and expert presentation is accepted and valuable to a court? Are you still relying on old methods and processes?

If you’ve been asking yourself these questions, join us for a webinar to learn about the technology, tools and techniques that will help you avoid the pitfalls associated with manual processes.

Led by Stan Bezuidenhout — a product specialist and expert witness with more than 20 years of experience — you’ll learn how FARO solutions can support your expert testimony work.

Specifically, you’ll learn about common flaws in expert testimony work and methods to correct them. Plus, you’ll see examples of how to create overview maps of a scene, reports, fly-through videos and learn how to share scenes in court securely without the need to purchase additional software.

Watch to learn:

  • The scope of things – what is the “norm”?
  • The human factor in mistakes, and why some people fail even with technology
  • What is needed in court and what juries and judges want to see
  • How accurate technology can help your case
  • How to survive cross-examination
  • What the future of technology in the courtroom looks like
Apresentação em tribunal
Segurança pública
Software — Segurança pública e ciência forense
Webinar/gravação de apresentação
Análise de segurança pública

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