Caso de estudo

ASNA uses FARO solutions for precision machine alignment

Precision machine alignment using Laser Tracker  BuildIT Metrology

ASNA Overcomes Shop-Floor Challenges with Laser Tracker Technology & Large-Volume Metrology Software

Alignment Services of North America (ASNA) supports part replacement, new installation alignment and catastrophic failure for the paper industry. ASNA uses the FARO® Vantage Laser Tracker and BuildIT Metrology Software. Vantage Laser Trackers help ASNA deliver highly accurate measurement data and improve customer satisfaction.


Caso de estudo
Inspeção e controle de qualidade
Produção, fabricação e montagem
Prestadores de serviços de medição
Metalurgia, usinagem e montagem
Laser trackers
Software — Controle de qualidade e metrologia
BuildIT Metrology
Produção e montagem

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