Caso de estudo

FARO Empowers Innovative Intelligence with Comprehensive and Accurate 3D Investigative Evidence

FARO® Empowers Innovative Intelligence with Comprehensive & Accurate 3D Investigative  Evidence

The ability to present unbiased, accurate 3D data in the courtroom as opposed to conventional 2D evidence can make all the difference in the outcome of a case. While still photographs, manual measurements, and written reports have been widely accepted as standard procedure, they often offer a limited perspective of a crime, crash, or fire scene that could be laden with information bias.

Read why private investigative firm Innovative Intelligence chose to adopt 3D forensic technology to collect evidence, conduct precise data analyses and create detailed presentations that withstand the scrutiny of the courtroom, and how that investment cemented their credibility.

Caso de estudo
Apresentação em tribunal
Investigação de falhas
Reconstrução e análise
Engenharia forense
Scanners 3D
Mapeador 2D portátil
Software — Segurança pública e ciência forense

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