
FARO Zone Software makes scene documentation easy

FARO Zone Software makes scene documentation easy | Brochure | FARO

FARO® Zone Software makes scene documentation easy so you can get on with the rest of your job

As a Public Safety professional, measuring and documenting a scene is a critical aspect of your job and one that your team relies on for complete and accurate documentation. FARO® Zone enables the creation of factual diagrams and detailed analyses, results that can be presented and shared in a compellingly visual and easy-to-comprehend way.

Análise de segurança pública
Investigação de incêndios criminosos
Planejamento de segurança
Investigação de falhas
Investigação de cenas de crimes
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Segurança pública
Incêndio e resgate
Software — Segurança pública e ciência forense
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