Evento virtual

Drones + Laser Scanning = Improved Efficiency

Boost Efficiency in Scene Documentation with Drone and Laser Scanner Integrations

Drone to Zone DEU

In the realm of crash scene reconstruction, drones have emerged as an essential tool for public safety professionals. Their fast and cost-effective method of capturing crash scenes compliments higher-accuracy, traditional methods of data collection.

Now, imagine the power of pairing the aerial perspective of a drone with the precision of a 3D laser scanner and combining data from both into a comprehensive 2D or 3D diagram?

That's where FARO® Zone 3D Expert Software comes in.

Attend this webinar to:

  • Discover a new approach to scene documentation with the use of drone photography in a segment.
  • Learn how FARO Zone 3D Expert software supports the import of drone photographs for point cloud creation.
  • Understand how to harness point cloud data to create accurate 2D and 3D diagrams tailored for courtroom presentations.
  • Learn how this technology is providing innovation for the UK's public safety sector, setting a new standard for scene documentation and analysis.


Russell Boynton

Russell Boynton - Senior Field Applications Engineer & Expert in Crash Reconstruction | FARO Technologies

Russell Boynton is a Senior Field Applications Engineer and Subject Matter Expert in Crash Reconstruction at FARO Technologies with over 40 years of experience documenting crime and crash scenes.


Jeff Voyt

Jeff Voyt - Market Segment Manager for Public Safety Analytics | FARO Technologies

Jeff Voyt serves as the Market Segment Manager for Public Safety Analytics at FARO Technologies, Inc. With over two decades of expertise in 3-D capture, imaging equipment, and analysis software, Jeff has dedicated a significant portion of his tenure at FARO to training and assisting public safety agencies and forensic firms in 3-D documentation and analysis of crime and crash scenes.


Don't miss out on this opportunity to equip yourself with cutting-edge knowledge and expertise. Save your seat!

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Planejamento de segurança
Gestão de risco
Engenharia forense
Segurança nacional
Incêndio e resgate
Scanners 3D
Software — Segurança pública e ciência forense
Análise de segurança pública

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