웨비나/프레젠테이션 녹화

Five Tips for Maximizing Profitability With 3D Reality Capture

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구독자는 각 이메일 알림의 맨 아래에 포함된 구독 해제 링크를 클릭하여 언제든지 동의를 취소할 수 있습니다. 우리는 당신의 사생활을 심각하게 생각합니다. FARO가 개인 데이터를 처리하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 개인정보 보호정책 을 방문하십시오.

When properly implemented, 3D reality capture — from a progress management platform, terrestrial laser scanner, or mobile mapping device — lets your team collect, analyze, monitor, and integrate field data for a variety of specific uses. This technology provides critical data to decision-makers in the field and in the office.

By capturing the jobsite in 3D, your onsite and offsite teams can collaborate seamlessly while keeping stakeholders in the loop at any point of the project. Once the project is complete, you will have an accurate, objective progress record to eliminate doubt and minimize the risk of legal disputes, improving the likelihood of repeat business.

If you want to maximize profit in your construction business, watch this livestream recording for five ways 3D technology can grow your margins by helping you:

  • Collect Complete As-Built Documentation
  • Make Accurate Cost Estimates
  • Minimize Expensive Rework
  • Avoid Costly Project Disputes
  • Build Long-Lasting Customer Networks


Mike Zivanovic
Senior Solutions Architect
FARO Technologies
Mike Zivanovic combines work experience in the field and office with a passion forconstruction technology, focusing on design and 3D reality capture.

Bryce Munn
Field Applications Engineer
FARO Technologies
Bryce Munn is a Field Applications Engineer (FAE) at FARO Technologies. Previously, Bryce held the role of Solutions Architect at GeoSLAM, contributing three years of expertise. With 10+ years in the LiDAR/reality capture industry, Bryce’s journey encompasses a spectrum of roles, from delivering scanning services to providing training and driving sales initiatives.

웨비나/프레젠테이션 녹화
건축 및 건설
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건축, 엔지니어링, 건설
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모바일 매핑 시스템
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