웨비나/프레젠테이션 녹화

Cloud-Based Collaboration Just Got Easier with Sphere XG

다운로드 준비가 거의 완료되었습니다!

이 콘텐츠에 액세스하려면 사용자 정보를 좀 더 알려주세요.

구독자는 각 이메일 알림의 맨 아래에 포함된 구독 해제 링크를 클릭하여 언제든지 동의를 취소할 수 있습니다. 우리는 당신의 사생활을 심각하게 생각합니다. FARO가 개인 데이터를 처리하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 개인정보 보호정책 을 방문하십시오.

제출을 클릭하면 FARO 또는 FARO의 공식 파트너/대리점에서 귀하의 요청에 대한 답변을 수신하는 데 동의하게 됩니다.

Progress management is essential for a given project to remain on schedule and on budget. Especially with traditional documentation methods, this can be difficult.

But it doesn’t have to be.

With Sphere XG, you can eliminate extra site visits, inform stakeholders that a scan is complete, speed up job completion times to yield savings per project, and de-silo data — connecting all your point clouds, 360° photos, and 3D models in a single place.

In this webinar you’ll get a glimpse into using FARO® 3D reality capture hardware with Sphere XG and how these tools excel at getting accurate data into the hands of decision makers quickly.

Watch this webinar:

  • If you have problems sharing heavy data across multiple platforms and if you experience IT barriers restricting the data you need.
  • If you want to learn about the value of Sphere XG and how it lets your team complete projects faster, eliminate geographical boundaries, and ensure accuracy and quality control.
  • For "Reality Capture Data 101" — learn how to bring reality capture data together, leveraging it as part of your workflows, and the numerous applications of Sphere XG on your jobsite.



Alan Crossland | Managing Director | PointSCAN Limited

With 20 years experience in project & operational management within the construction & engineering sectors, Alan now offers 3D laser scanning solutions to maximise project efficiencies through his company PointSCAN Ltd.


Adam North

Adam North | Account Manager | FARO Technologies

Adam North is an Account Manager at FARO Technologies. He joined the company in 2022 with focus on the Public Safety sector but has since also moved into the AEC segment supporting customers within the sider digital reality arena.


Paul Challis

Paul Challis | Account Manager | FARO Technologies

Paul Challis has over 20 years of experience in surveying, with expertise in 3D laser scanning, SLAM, land surveying, and more. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering Surveys (CICES).

웨비나/프레젠테이션 녹화
준공 캡처 및 모델링
건설 품질 관리
공사 진행 관리
품질 관리
생산, 제조, 조립
건축 및 건설
설계 및 계획
엔지니어링 및 설계
건축, 엔지니어링, 건설
FARO Sphere
360도 사진 캡처
3D 스캐너
소프트웨어 - 건축, 엔지니어링 및 건설
건축, 엔지니어링 및 건설

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