
Faro Zone 2025: The Complete Field-to-Finish Solution

One portfolio, three solutions. That’s what you get when you enter the exciting world of FARO® Zone Software, Public Safety’s go-to tool for diagramming, scene reconstruction, forensic analysis, and the creation of stunning courtroom-ready visuals.

Whether it’s a straightforward 2D diagram, animations, flythroughs, or the depiction of a 3D immersive crime or crash event, FARO Zone 3D empowers investigators with the ability to present evidence in a compelling easy-to-understand manner.

FARO Zone includes three software:

  • FARO Zone 2D
  • FARO Zone 3D Expert
  • FARO Zone 3D Expert Plus

FARO Zone 3D Expert Plus does what no similar forensic software on the market can do: complete in-software point cloud registration. By eliminating the extra step of exporting point cloud data to another software program, investigators save time, gain workflow efficiencies, and can create those CSI-like courtroom visuals faster than ever.

Watch the video above to learn more about this intuitive, data-agnostic (integrate data from laser scanners, drones, phones, and other sources) complete field-to-finish solution and hear the endorsement of a customer already benefiting from its use.

Get in the Zone today!

기소 및 관리
재구성 및 분석
방화 조사
법정 발표
사고 충돌 재구성
범죄 현장 조사
안전 계획
화재 및 구조
법 집행
3D 스캐너
소프트웨어 - 공공 안전 및 포렌식
공용 안전 분석

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