
How Reality Capture Tech Empowers General Contractors

How Reality Capture Tech Empowers General Contractors

General Contractors manage multiple subcontractors, control project schedules and building coordination, they identify important deadlines and oversee construction progress documentation for billing purposes.

Much like a skyscraper whose sound construction rests on a firm foundation, General Contractors are the “ground floors” of the entire project management team. Poor coordination, subpar data, and an inability to assess the full project in real time, can result in numerous setbacks.

FARO® hardware and software solutions builds on that firm foundation and empowers GCs with impressive organizational and project line-of-sight capabilities. Download the above infographic to better visualize how FARO can make the difference in how general contractors manage their projects, acquire better data, faster, while sharing that data with key stakeholders via Sphere XG, FARO’s market-leading SaaS platform.

준공 캡처 및 모델링
건설 품질 관리
설계 레이아웃 및 프로젝션
자산 및 설비 관리를 위한 디지털 트윈
제품 설계 및 엔지니어링
건축 및 건설
설계 및 계획
엔지니어링 및 설계
유지 관리 및 운영
건축, 엔지니어링, 건설
BuildIT Construction
FARO Sphere
건축, 엔지니어링 및 건설
2D 핸드헬드 매퍼
360도 사진 캡처
3D 스캐너
모바일 매핑 시스템
소프트웨어 - 건축, 엔지니어링 및 건설

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