CASE STUDY: Crash Reconstruction Firm Adopts FARO® Laser Scanners to Safely Capture Scenes While on Short Timelines
Like many crash reconstruction firms, Mesa, Arizona-based Collision Engineering Associates previously experienced difficulty when documenting crash scenes due to the limitations inherent in using total stations and hand measurements. They acquired two FARO Focus Laser Scanners to help them thoroughly and safely document crash scenes, much faster than they could with previous tools.
Collision Engineering Associates are now using laser scanning regularly to capture more complete, reliable and accurate data from scenes. Read through how they are staying ahead of the competition with the latest in 3D technology in hand.
사례 연구
Creating a competitive edge with FARO Laser Scanners

사례 연구
공용 안전 분석
사고 충돌 재구성
포렌식 엔지니어링
3D 스캐너
소프트웨어 - 공공 안전 및 포렌식