사례 연구

Building large tooling with tight tolerances

CaseStudy LargeToolingTightTolerances 3DM

When your business consists of providing custom, precision tooling to nearly all of the tier 1 aerospace equipment manufacturers, quality is paramount. Read how one such manufacturer has deployed FARO® Vantage Laser Trackers, ScanArms and the Super 6DoF TrackArm system to verify alignment and achieve close tolerances at each step of their manufacturing processes, including on-machine inspection.

RESULTS: Rework was reduced by 75% and inspection time is now 30% to 40% faster than using conventional tools and fixed CMMs.
사례 연구
품질 관리
금속세공, 가공 및 조립
레이저 트래커
품질 관리 및 검사(BP)

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