온라인 이벤트

How Concrete Pros Validate Flatness in Real Time

Flatness Check App Webinar

As a concrete professional, you know it’s critical for you to be able to evaluate the quality of your pour immediately before it even begins to set.

The FARO Flatness Check application lets you perform quick and accurate validations of the pour so you can identify and correct any areas needing rework.

Using an iPad, you can easily visualize and smooth any deviations on-site while leaving the in-depth analysis and documentation work to the back office.

Attend this livestream webinar to learn:

  • Why construction professionals are modernizing their on-site concrete workflows and how this saves time and improves quality.
  • What the Flatness Check app does and why it’s important for rapidly analyzing the flatness of concrete in either wet or dry conditions.
  • About augmented reality (AR) analysis and visualization of flatness using a heatmap directly on the slab.
  • How to perform an accurate digital analysis of flatness next to the slab before the concrete even cures, an add-on value to any flatness reporting you are required to do.


Kyle Tarr

Kyle Tarr
Sr. Business Development Manager, FARO Technologies Inc.

Kyle is a member of the Business Development team at FARO and is focused on the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industries. He is a Certified General Contractor and has spent the past 8 years building some of Florida’s tallest and most demanding projects. Kyle brings industry technical knowledge to FARO to better serve the industry.


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