Registrazione webinar/presentazione

How Kemp & Lauritzen business utilizes reality capture

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Kemp & Lauritzen is Denmark’s largest technical installation company, with almost 2,700 employees and core competencies within all technical fields company. This webinar will demonstrate how the firm has taken on digitalization of as-built plants and installations.

Before using 3D laser scanning, the company had a cumbersome and time-consuming process to ensure that all dimensions and details were preserved and on time. Documentation of existing buildings as drawings and related information was often inaccurate and out of date, which caused delays and costly errors. Using a FARO® Focus S Laser Scanner and As-Built 3D software for Autodesk® Revit® the documentation is now accurate and on time for their projects, which has resulted in a more efficient process for their projects (installations and retrofitting) than ever before.

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about:

  • Kemp & Lauritzen and their specialization in the AEC industry
  • Typical AEC applications for 3D laser scanning
  • Previous measurement methods vs. current laser scanning methods
  • Laser scanning through three project case studies
  • Software workflow through case study
  • Project experiences and future outlook
Registrazione webinar/presentazione
Architettura, ingegneria ed edilizia
Modellazione e acquisizione as-built
Controllo della qualità edile
Architettura, ingegneria e edilizia
Scanner 3D
Design e pianificazione
Software - Architettura, ingegneria ed edilizia

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