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Creating compelling 2D & 3D deliverables from photos

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Discover how to create impressive and dynamic deliverables for your next presentation or case using FARO Zone 3D Software.

Are you getting the most out of your field evidence?

Did you know you can create powerful, shareable deliverables in the software, FARO® Zone 3D? By using something as simple and commonplace as a photograph, you can make animations, generate measurement reports, create report diagrams, do time distance studies, perform skid analysis and more.

Join us for this webinar to take a closer look at what you can do with FARO Zone 3D and see examples of various different deliverables created from a single photograph – even if you don't use a Laser Scanner! Attendees will learn how to create four different 2D and 3D deliverables from one single image all from FARO Zone 3D Software.

Watch this webinar to learn how to create the following from a single photo - all sharable to anyone, without software/access requirements:

  • VIRTUAL SURVEY – a full measurement report and a data set
  • DIAGRAM – a complete diagram with measurements, North arrows, scale bars and forms
  • TIME DISTANCE – a detailed report generated in FARO Zone 3D
  • ANIMATION – an easily viewed MP4 video

Presenter: Dean Pierson | Application Engineer, FARO Zone Trainer

Dean Pierson is our trainer for FARO Zone 3D crash and crime. He is based in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada and delivers course content online to FARO customers all over the world. Dean grew up in a law enforcement environment with a father that served with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Host: Alina Burroughs | Application Engineer, Global Senior Public Safety - Forensics Specialist

Special Guest: David Rineholt | Accident Investigation/Reconstruction Expert

Special Guest: Derik White | Product Director, Research & Development of FARO Zone

Registrazione webinar/presentazione
Analisi per la sicurezza pubblica
Ricostruzione di incidenti
Presentazione in tribunale
Ingegneria forense
Forze dell'ordine
Software - Sicurezza pubblica e indagini forensi
Ricostruzione e analisi

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