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Combining laser scans with drone footage for investigations

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Using LiDAR & UAV data for faster, more complete scene capture

No two scenes are the same and each brings its unique set of challenges.

They can happen day or night, in any weather and with any number of other circumstances. You need a bird's eye view for context but also a high-level accuracy for evidence capture. It needs to be complete, accurate and, at times, done quickly to open roads faster, reduce time on scene or to go to the next call.

Sounds like a tall order, right?

By using both laser scanners and drones, you can capture the scene efficiently and merge the data to create a complete view of the scene memorialized in 3D where you can revisit and analyze anytime.

Watch this webinar to:

  • Understand how drones and laser scanners work together to document a scene
  • Dive into scenarios and applications when it is the best to use
  • Learn step-by-step the process to merge drone data with laser scanner data in FARO Zone
  • Hear from industry experts and users leverage this technique

Meet the presenters and panelists:

  • Russ Boynton - Forensic Specialist, FARO
  • Eric Dustin - Forensic Specialist, FARO
  • Dean Pierson - Application Engineer, FARO
  • David Dustin - Director of Product Management, FARO
  • Mark Johnson - CEO, Visual Law
  • Jason Price - Midwest Aero Technologies
Registrazione webinar/presentazione
Analisi per la sicurezza pubblica
Indagini della scena del crimine
Forze dell'ordine
Scanner 3D
Software - Sicurezza pubblica e indagini forensi

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