
Crash reconstruction with FARO Focus 3D X Laser Scanner

The FARO® Focus3D Laser Scanner is the ideal portable scanning solution for crash reconstruction. This video shows how a reconstruction firm simulates and analyzes a motorcycle and motor vehicle crash with the Focus.

With the Focus3D you can quickly capture the scene and minimize safety risk as well as traffic stoppages. Scan data is saved on an SD card for portable upload to the workstation for detailed analysis. The result is a permanent virtual 3D point cloud detailing vehicle, roadway and environmental conditions. This technology enables you to conduct accurate measurements and visualizations to recreate the crash for evaluation, as well as share scan data via the internet with insurance and legal agents.

Analisi per la sicurezza pubblica
Ricostruzione di incidenti
Forze dell'ordine
Scanner 3D
Ricostruzione e analisi

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