Case Study

Zeus Engineering chooses CAM2 software to support business growth plans

Using 3D scanning  Laser Tracker tech for largevolume measurements

Zeus Engineering is a very dynamic and ambitious sub-contract machining company, always looking for new opportunities to streamline manufacturing processes. FARO® CAM2 Software and FaroArm® was chosen to support their strong service offering extension and business growth strategies.

CAM2's Repeat Part Management (RPM) feature support's Zeus' strategy for high-volume production and inspection. RPM enables inspections to be performed without the need for highly-qualified personnel, through fully-guided inspection routines. This ensures consistent inspection methods regardless of personnel, while meeting customer demand for 100% inspection.

The RPM Control Center has allowed Zeus to meet customer requests for Statistical Process Control (SPC) by delivering real-time information through active monitoring of a web-based dashboard which provides actionable insight.


Case Study
Controllo qualità e ispezione
Metallurgia, lavorazioni meccaniche e assemblaggio
Software - Metrologia e controllo qualità
Controllo qualità e ispezione (BP)

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