Case Study

Improving forensic & analytical capabilities with FARO Laser Scanner

Improving forensic  analytical capabilities with FARO Laser Scanner

Laser scanners aren’t just for large engineering firms with big budgets, but also for small companies who want to provide their clients with state-of-the-art services and technology that in many cases exceed those of larger competitors.

- James Loumiet, President of James R. Loumiet & Associates

As one of the first accident reconstruction firms in the US to own and implement a laser scanner for reconstructing railroad accidents, James R. Loumiet & Associates (JRLA) provides consulting and expert witness services to the legal, insurance and transportation industries. In a recent train accident case, JRLA was retained by Massachusetts Bay Commuter Rail (MBCR) to determine how a 130-ton loaded freight car parked on an industry track got loose and rolled past a derail and onto a main line track where it collided with an MBCR commuter train, injuring a number of passengers.

To achieve the level of accuracy needed for this investigation, JRLA determined that the best solution was to capture and analyze 3D models of the derail shoe and railcar wheels. They used a combination of the FARO® Focus Laser Scanner and FARO SCENE Software to provide them with the forensic and analytical capabilities to solve this case.

Case Study
Analisi per la sicurezza pubblica
Ricostruzione di incidenti
Forze dell'ordine
Scanner 3D
Ricostruzione e analisi
Indagini sui guasti

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