
Polyworks User Meeting

3D Metrology Event

The days when measurement departments worked without networking with other departments, partners, suppliers or customers are long gone. In modern quality assurance, data is used company-wide and beyond to work together on more efficient production processes and better products. That's why we offer our customers solutions that exploit the full potential of 3D measurement data. PolyWorks supports us in this as an ""enterprise solution"" that immerses itself in almost all company processes. To mark our anniversary ""25 years of Duwe-3d"", the PolyWorks user meeting is under the motto ""Fascination with 3D measurement data | Innovative. Efficient. User-friendly"". Immerse yourself with us in the fascinating world of 3D measurement technology and experience the added value that 3D data has for your entire company.

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Progettazione e design
Produzione e assemblaggio
Controllo qualità e ispezione (BP)
Proiezione e layout di progettazione
Ingegneria e design di prodotto
Produzione, fabbricazione e assemblaggio
Controllo qualità e ispezione
Settore automobilistico
Energia e risorse naturali
Attrezzature pesanti
Metallurgia, lavorazioni meccaniche e assemblaggio
Industria mineraria
Gomma e materie plastiche
Cantieristica navale
Scanner 3D
Proiettori laser
Laser Tracker
Software - Metrologia e controllo qualità

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