WHITEPAPER: Use of Technical Assistance Systems to Boost Efficiency & Cut Costs
In the world of Industry 4.0, quality initiatives can be aided with technical assistance solutions such as augmented reality on the production floor, laser templating and in-process verification. In applications ranging from composites and aerospace, to metal fabrication and welding, manufacturers who choose to rely on such technical assistance systems stand to gain time and cost-savings.
Virtual templating and augmented reality tools allow quality issues to be identified quickly and addressed early-on in the process, even before first prototypes arrive for a physical “real world” testing. Manufacturers can ensure a quick transition from the first prototype phase to pilot lots and series production.
Livre blanc
Harnessing Industry 4.0 for quality inspections & assembly

Livre blanc
Mise en page et projection de la conception
Contrôle qualité et inspection
Métallerie, usinage et assemblage
Projecteurs laser
Avec le système Tracer,
Production et assemblage
Prise de conscience