Webinaire/Enregistrement de présentation

Utilizing 3D technology in the courtroom

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From crime scene to courtroom: how to use 3D tech in trials

What if you could take the jury to a crime scene on the day it occurred without ever leaving the courtroom?

In today's digital age, presenting only still photos and reports may seem dated, but fortunately 3D technology, like laser scanners, help capture and preserve investigated scenes to bring them into court.

A growing number of investigators now use 3D laser scanners to document crime, crash and fire scenes. In fact, it is possible agencies and forensic experts in your area already use such technology. If you ever wondered what this technology is and how to use it in the courtroom, then join us for this webinar to learn how FARO® 3D Scanners document scenes and what tools you have at your disposal when presenting your case in court.

In this webinar learn about courtroom requirements for 3D data, the legality of utilizing it in court, best practices for trial and securing 3D data from tampering. Attendees will also hear from experts in the field from both the investigator and prosecutor attorney's perspective on submitting and presenting 3D data in trial.

Watch this webinar to:

  • Learn what 3D scanning is and how it can be used in the courtroom to enhance your presentation
  • Understand the court requirements for using 3D data in trial
  • Review best practices to educate and engage the trier of fact, such as judges or juries
  • See the variety of deliverables that are available for you and how you can use them
  • Discover how to prepare a witness or investigator to testify utilizing 3D data

Brenda Butler, MS, CCSA | Forensic Solutions Specialist, FARO Technologies

BrendaButlerBrenda Butler is a state recognized expert in multiple Ohio counties in areas of investigation, crime scene investigation and reconstruction, bloodstain pattern analysis and shooting incident reconstruction. Among other certifications, Brenda is a certified crime scene analyst with the International Association of Identification and is a certified instructor with the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission. She is also an experienced college instructor and has trained hundreds of police officers. Brenda currently works as a Forensic Solutions Specialist at FARO where she helps educate and support our public safety and forensic users.

Webinaire/Enregistrement de présentation
Analyses pour la sécurité publique
Présentation devant les tribunaux
Reconstitution d'accident
Enquêtes sur les scènes de crime
Enquêtes sur les incendies criminels
Application de la loi
Scanners 3D
Logiciel : Sécurité publique et médecine légale
Poursuites judiciaires et gestion

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