
Unlocking the Future of Architecture

3D Reality Capture at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

The School of Architecture & Urban Planning (SARUP), a Center of Excellence in the University of Wisconsin System, is one of the largest schools of architecture in the world and offers an extensive array of degree programs.

Since 2007, students at SARUP have used FARO 3D reality capture tools — along with drones, various cameras and other photogrammetry devices — in their curriculum as part of a sophisticated technology toolbox. Access to these devices sets SARUP students apart, giving them a set of skills that makes them highly employable upon graduation.

Watch this video to learn about the cutting-edge technology available for the students at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and how 3D reality capture is essential to the work they do in architecture, urban planning, historic preservation and more.

Prise de conscience
Construction et bâtiment
Conception et planification
Inspection et mesures
Modélisation et acquisition du TQC
Contrôle qualité de la construction
Jumeau numérique pour la gestion des ressources et des installations
Conservation du patrimoine
Architecture, ingénierie, construction
Fournisseurs de services de mesure
Scanners 3D
Logiciel : Architecture, ingénierie et construction
Architecture, ingénierie et construction

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