Étude de cas

Datum Metrology prospers with BuildIT Metrology (PART 2)

Startup to success Datum Metrology prospers with BuildIT Metrology PART 2
CASE STUDY: Simplified Workflows & Improved Features are Key to Managing Growth

In this two-part series, we examine the successes achieved by Datum Metrology by choosing FARO® Vantage Laser Trackers, paired with BuildIT Software for metrology services such as jig building and bond tooling.

This installment, PART 2, focuses on the software use case, exploring how BuildIT Metrology's user-friendly platform with enhanced features that really same time while outputting incredible CAD deliverables in the process for greater return on investment.
Étude de cas
Contrôle qualité et inspection
Fournisseurs de services de mesure
Métallerie, usinage et assemblage
Laser trackers
Logiciel : Métrologie et contrôle de la qualité
BuildIT Metrology
Contrôle qualité (BP)
Prise de conscience

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