Étude de cas

ScanArm & CAM2 drive award-winning quality in manufacturing

CaseStudy ICP Award 3DM AM EN IC Thumbnail 1000x544
Industrial Custom Products (ICP) manufactures high-quality thermo-formed and vacuum-formed plastic components. They deployed a FARO® QuantumM ScanArm and CAM2 Software in an effort to continue their long-standing and award-winning tradition for excellence in quality.

The FARO solutions not only helped them improve quality; they also allowed them to decrease the cost of quality inspections. Inspection time was reduced by more than 50%. Moreover, they were able to significantly reduce the time and investment required for procuring physical jigs and special fixtures that they had previously been using for quality inspections. For most of their products, inspection is performed using the ScanArm and CAM2 for a digital comparison to the CAD models. Time-to-market was reduced by 70% in some instances.
Étude de cas
Contrôle qualité et inspection
Caoutchouc et plastique
Bras de mesure portables
Logiciel : Métrologie et contrôle de la qualité
Contrôle qualité (BP)
Prise de conscience

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