Étude de cas

Law enforcement uses Laser Scanners to slash investigation time

Law enforcement uses Laser Scanners to slash investigation time

Two law enforcement agencies were experiencing severe challenges due to using old-fashioned methods to map crash and crime scenes. They needed to reduce the time investigators spent at every scene and improve the process used to capture measurements.

When investigators saw how much evidence and scene preservation could be gained with a 3D Laser Scanner, while spending less time at the scene, both agencies purchased the FARO® Focus Laser Scanner. Oxford Police Department also acquired the FARO Freestyle3D Handheld Scanner. Both agencies have now been able to cut the time needed for scene investigations while digitally preserving crime and crash scenes in their entirety, as well as creating cost savings from needing fewer officers at the scene and the ability to capture 3D evidence for gripping and irrefutable courtroom presentations.

Étude de cas
Analyses pour la sécurité publique
Enquêtes sur les scènes de crime
Reconstitution d'accident
Application de la loi
Scanners 3D
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