Étude de cas

Le Music Hall de Cincinnati reçoit un gros plan par balayage laser

Cincinnatis iconic Music Hall receives a laser-scan close-up

CASE STUDY: FARO® Laser Scanners Come to the Rescue of the Fabled Cincinnati Music Hall

Home to the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, Cincinnati Opera, Cincinnati Ballet and May Festival Chorus, the Cincinnati Music Hall has stood as the center of cultural life in this southwestern Ohio region for nearly 140 years, recognized as a National Historic Landmark in 1975... and it was in dire need of renovations and modern updates.

The Society for the Preservation of Music Hall (SPMH) turned to the FARO Focus Laser Scanner to scan not just decorative elements, but the entire structure. With the precision of the scans, this became essential as-built digitized documentation for both these upgrades and for future designs.
Étude de cas
Architecture, ingénierie et construction
Modélisation et acquisition du TQC
Mise en page et projection de la conception
Conservation du patrimoine
Architecture, ingénierie, construction
Scanners 3D
Logiciel : Architecture, ingénierie et construction
Maintenance et opérations
Prise de conscience

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