
Tracker 6DoF Probe, the high-accuracy, portable dynamic inspection tool that is faster and easier to use than ever


November 24, 2020 - FARO® is pleased to announce the release of its next generation Vantage Laser Tracker 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) Probe. The new 6Probe offers exceptional portability and is compatible with FARO VantageS6 and VantageE6 Laser Trackers, which enable users to build, inspect and measure products faster and more accurately.

VantageS6_6Probe_v2_Left_Facing_1000x994The 6Probe is a cost-effective 6DoF solution that meets the dynamic measurement, speed, and accuracy requirements of the most challenging industrial applications. Users can now change probing tips on the fly and measure without any recalibration, thanks to kinematic self-identifying styli, and measure hidden areas outside of the tracker’s line of sight with wider acceptance angles. The result is a significantly more efficient tool to enhance productivity and efficiency. In fact, the typical user of the new 6Probe can now save up to 30 minutes or more of time on any given day.

The Vantage platforms offer comprehensive, large-volume 3D measurement up to 80 meters, significantly streamlining processes and reducing inspection cycle times while ensuring complete confidence in the results. The VantageS6 and VantageE6 deliver 6DoF measurement capabilities via the optional 6Probe, enabling precise measurement of hidden areas and small features. 6DoF and standard probing are enhanced by FARO ActiveSeek, a feature to automatically locate and follow the active target. FARO trackers support the patented Super 6DoF TrackArm solution, which allows the Vantage and one or more FARO ScanArms to work together to create an integrated contact and non-contact 3D measurement system. With a range of up to 60 meters (with a 4-meter reach), Super 6DoF eliminates line-of-sight challenges and expands measurement range while maintaining superior accuracy.

Contrôle qualité et inspection
Production, fabrication et assemblage
Équipement lourd
Fournisseurs de services de mesure
Métallerie, usinage et assemblage
Construction navale
Laser trackers
Contrôle qualité (BP)
Prise de conscience

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