Grabación de webinar/presentación

Meet the New Focus Premium Max Laser Scanning Solution

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Whether you’re scanning real-world data for construction, geospatial, engineering, or public safety, the Focus scanner paired with the FARO Stream App, FARO SCENE Software, and the FARO Sphere® XG Digital Reality Platform ensures enhanced workflow efficiency.

If you’re concerned about how much time you’re spending in the field and you want to see if you can save time and money, the Focus Premium Max might be just what you need to improve your workflow efficiency.

Watch this video to learn how the Focus solution can:

  • Increase speed and efficiency with Flash Technology scans.
  • Provide you with real-time scanning insights via the FARO Stream App — no more “scanning blind” when you’re on the job site!
  • Connect with FARO Sphere XG for fast, efficient data management.
  • Enhanced your data processing time in FARO SCENE Software.
  • Provide you with the option to store data in the cloud or offline.


Mark Lane

Mark Lane | Account Manager | FARO Technologies

Mark has a background in terrestrial laser scanning, mobile mapping and BIM. His areas of expertise include scan to BIM, mine progress mapping, flatness analysis, and structural monitoring.

Peter Mandak

Peter Mandak | Sr. Field Applications Engineer | FARO Technologies

Peter supports the architecture, engineering, construction, and public safety sectors. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Higher Training & Research Institute of Engineering in Vienna.

Watch now to learn how 3D reality capture solutions can save you time and money on your next project!

Grabación de webinar/presentación
Edificación y construcción
Diseño y planificación
Mantenimiento y operación
Reconstrucción y análisis
Topografía y medición
Investigación de incendios provocados
Captura y modelos as-built
Control de calidad de construcción
Reconstrucción de accidentes
Investigación de escenas de crimen
Gemelos digitales para la administración de activos e instalaciones
Investigación de fallas
Preservación histórica
Planificación de seguridad
Arquitectura, ingeniería y construcción
Energía y recursos naturales
Servicio de bomberos y rescate
Ingeniería forense
Orden público
Proveedores de servicios de medición
Escáneres 3D
Aplicaciones y complementos
Software - Arquitectura, ingeniería y construcción
Arquitectura, ingeniería y construcción

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