Grabación de webinar/presentación

3D Metrology Across Industries — Pratt Miller

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Pratt Miller, a motorsports company that also works in the defense and mobility industries, has for 15 years used FARO® 3D measurement equipment in their product development process. Since adopting FARO tools, they've been able to take measurements in an hour that used to take a whole day or more.

While they originally needed 3D scanning capabilities for reverse engineering, they've uncovered additional benefits from this technology — like adding a dedicated quality team to deliver better measurements for inspections. Their fast-paced business requires the speed and range of measurements that 3D metrology equipment provides.

Watch this #FAROLive! presentation recording to:

  • Learn how Pratt Miller gains a competitive advantage by using 3D measurement tools throughout its product development lifecycle.
  • Understand how data is captured and fed to the engineering teams in the design stage of a project.
  • How Pratt Miller inspects parts through the various phases of the manufacturing process.
  • Learn how Pratt Miller performs measurements in support of testing and development activities for improvements.


Frank Wilson

Frank Wilson | Quality Manager | Pratt Miller

Frank has been at Pratt Miller since 2008 and has overseen the growth of the Quality Department to support a diverse customer base across the defense, mobility, and motorsports industries.


Join Frank Wilson, Quality Manager at Pratt Miller, as he leads you through the ways 3D metrology can deliver better data faster to companies across the motorsports, defense and mobility industries.

Grabación de webinar/presentación
Escáneres 3D
Brazos de medición portátiles
Diseño e ingeniería de productos
Planos de diseño y proyección
Diseño y planificación
Ingeniería y diseño
Control de calidad e inspección (BP)
Software - Metrología y control de calidad
Control de calidad de construcción

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