
How to improve sharing your metrology results


For metrologists, it is crucial to ensure that all the tolerances are inspected reliably. Thus, the clarity of information on 3D display and pdf reports can be vital when sharing your metrology results.

In this blog post, we will present different ways of reporting position tolerances and different annotation techniques in BuildIT Software.

Individual Feature Reporting in BuildIT 3D View


Figure 1. Position tolerance annotation example for a 4-hole pattern: Only the worst individual feature’s value is shown in 3D annotation – in this case, the hole with index 2

Figure 1 represents the part we will analyze in this blog post. It is a view from the 3D display of BuildIT Software. The tolerance we will focus on is the position tolerance with respect to datum reference frame ABC on the 4-hole pattern (Figure 1: Hole Pattern).

In the 3D display, BuildIT only shows the value of the hole feature in the pattern with the worst position tolerance deviation value for clarity. In this case, it is the hole with index 2 in the pattern that gives the worst case, so it is shown in the annotation.

Individual Feature Reporting in BuildIT pdf report

Figure 2. Position tolerance results for the 4-hole pattern: All of the individual feature’s values are shown in the pdf report


We can see the position tolerance values of all individual features of the 4-hole pattern in the pdf report, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 3. Hole indexes are shown for all hole features for the 4-hole pattern


Additionally, for each hole feature in a pattern of holes, hole indexes in the pattern can be observed, in the report or 3D view (Figure 3).

End Point Reporting in BuildIT 3D View

Analyzing endpoint information for each hole can also be crucial to observe the deviations of position tolerances. Again, endpoint information can be observed in BuildIT 3D view and pdf report, as shown in Figures 4 and 5.

Figure 4. Endpoint information about position tolerances in BuildIT software 3D view


End Point Reporting in BuildIT pdf report


Figure 5. Endpoint information about position tolerances in BuildIT Software pdf report


The ability to reliably measure all the required tolerances and share metrology results effectively with others offer significant ROI advantages: Increased efficiency and reliability. Following this mindset, position tolerance results in BuildIT can be communicated using the different options we presented here: 3D display annotations, PDF reports, as well as making endpoint information available for each hole feature in a pattern. In future posts, we will study reporting on other types of tolerances, such as flatness or surface profile tolerances.

Control de calidad e inspección
Software - Metrología y control de calidad
BuildIT Metrology
Control de calidad e inspección (BP)

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