Webinar/Presentation Recording

Using handheld 3D scanners for crime & crash scenes

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Handheld 3D Scanners bring a new level of 3D capture to scene investigation and reconstruction. The ability move in and around objects quickly is a game changer, but it is critical with any fast documentation that details are not lost once leaving the scene.

With the new FARO ® Freestyle 2 it is now possible to document complex areas in 3D without sacrificing quality for speed. This advanced handheld 3D forensic Scanner gives investigators and reconstructionists the power of immediate real-time visualizations with photorealistic reality capture capabilities in their hands.

Check out this on-demand webinar to hear:

  • How the Freestyle 2 can be used for investigations or reconstructions
  • How it can be used in analysis or court presentations
  • What those in law enforcement have to say about using the Freestyle 2
  • Q&A from the live audience


Webinar/Presentation Recording
Public Safety Analytics
Crime Scene Investigation
Crash Reconstruction
Law Enforcement
3D Scanners

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