A fast, accurate reverse-engineering process can be the difference between a company losing money and time in their daily operations — or unlocking previously unrealized profits.
3D data capture revolutionizes the reverse-engineering process, allowing operators to digitize complex geometries in minutes and create digital models as future design files. Once created, these digital files can aid in aftermarket parts production, 3D printing, machining, mold and pattern making, tool creation and part inspection.
Watch this #FAROLive! presentation recording to learn about:
- Digitization of point clouds and geometry to model legacy parts in CAD.
- Designing new components in CAD to meet the “actual” legacy parts.
- Use of rapid prototypes validated against CAD to close the loop on virtual activities (such as assembly) leading to final design refinement and digitization of modifications to update the digital design.
- Real-world examples of this reverse engineering process in action, including hardware and software workflows.
In this livestream recording, you’ll learn more about how you can accelerate your product design process through reverse engineering — and how to avoid common “paralysis by analysis” pitfalls to keep operations running.