Tech Sheet

Super 6DoF TrackArm

Super 6DoF TrackArm

Multifaceted 6-Degrees-of-Freedom Capabilities Without Compromise

The FARO® Super 6DoF TrackArm is the most versatile portable 3D measurement system that brings together the latest advancements in FARO’s 3D measurement technology to deliver a solution that allows flexibility, ease of use and un-compromised accuracy for your most demanding 3D measurement needs. The system combines the long-range and high accuracy capabilities of FARO’s Laser Tracker with the flexibility, detail, and consistency of the Quantum X FaroArm® Series.

The Laser Tracker locates the FaroArm into a common coordinate system through a simple motion of the FaroArm, after which the measurement process can start. Points from all measurement locations can then be combined and visualized in real-time within the measurement software and compared to the nominal data.

The FaroArm enables flexible measurement of any object where even hidden points around corners and inside features can be reached. This gives the FARO Super 6DoF TrackArm the unique capability of reaching hidden points even if they are out of the Laser Tracker’s line-of-sight, while still maintaining the measurement integrity of the entire system. This seamless combination also allows the FaroArm to be quickly repositioned anywhere within the Laser measurement range while remaining in the same coordinate system. Additionally, the system allows for multiple FaroArms to be simultaneously used in conjunction with one Laser Tracker as long as they are within the same coordinate system. This flexibility offers multiple measurement possibilities on large objects that would normally be beyond the reach of a single FaroArm by itself.

FARO’s Super 6DoF TrackArm delivers fast, precise 3D measurement without compromise. Best of all, the FaroArm and Laser Tracker are stand-alone portable CMMs that can also be used independently or in combination to create this multi-purpose FARO Super 6DoF TrackArm system.


Tech Sheet
Quality Control & Inspection
Heavy Equipment
Portable Measurement Arms
Laser Trackers
Super 6DoF TrackArm
Quality Control & Inspection (BP)

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