
A FARO 3D Reality Capture Device to Match Your Speed and Accuracy Needs

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Job sites vary in complexity, ease of access and level of completion — and your work demands that you provide the right data to the right people at the right time.

When there are so many hardware options available, how do you pick between 3D reality capture devices? Which one will give you speed, and which will provide you the precise level of accuracy you require?

At FARO®, we’ve got a 3D reality capture device perfect for whatever stage of the project you’re at.

Build & Construct
Maintain & Operate
Surveying & Measurement
Arson Investigation
As-Built Capture & Modeling
Construction Quality Control
Crash Reconstruction
Crime Scene Investigation
Digital Twin for Asset & Facility Management
Failure Investigation
Historical Preservation
Safety Planning
Architecture, Engineering, Construction
Energy & Natural Resources
Fire and Rescue
Forensic Engineering
Law Enforcement
Measurement Service Providers
Metalworking, Machining & Assembly
Apps & Plug-Ins
Mobile Mapping Systems
Software - Architecture, Engineering & Construction
Architecture, Engineering & Construction

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