Case Study

Trinity Forge uses forward-thinking approach for an ancient process

KSI148 image optimaization CS2e

Trinity Forge is a modern, closed-die forging plant that specializes in complex shapes in a wide variety of sizes to meet the most stringent customer specifications. Trinity wanted to improve their inspection process to include scans of the entire die face, the actual die face and not just the impressions.

After surveying potential solutions, Trinity Forge decided to use the FARO® ScanArm. They saw FARO’s pricing, the equipment’s ease-of-use and the quality of the tool itself as their deciding factors. Within two months, they were at full steam and scanning, modeling scans and reverse engineering dies and parts for maintenance. Trinity Forge is now able to check dies in about half the time as they did before with older techniques.


Case Study
Quality Control & Inspection
Metalworking, Machining & Assembly
Portable Measurement Arms
Quality Control & Inspection (BP)

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