Case Study

Janicki Industries achieves 35% reduction in required machining

Janicki Industries achieves 35 reduction in required machining

Combining 3D Measurement Arm & Laser Tracker Technology


Janicki Industries is a contract manufacturer to the aerospace industry, specializing in aerospace tooling. In an effort to reduce costs and improve quality, Janicki sought to limit the number of cutting moves made during the rough machining process.

To address the problem, Janicki uses a FARO® Vantage Laser Tracker with a FARO ScanArm HD in a solution known as the FARO Super 6DoF (6 Degrees of Freedom) TrackArm. The solution resulted in a 35-percent reduction in machining time.


Case Study
Production, Fabrication & Assembly
Quality Control & Inspection
Portable Measurement Arms
Laser Trackers
Super 6DoF TrackArm
Production & Assembly
Product Design & Engineering

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