Case Study

Increase speed & profitability with six degrees of freedom

CASESTUDY-IC 6DOF MMS Thumbnail 1000x544

Midwest Metrology Solutions (MMS) was among the first metrology service providers to deploy a FARO® VantageS6 Laser Tracker, including the 6Probe for projects requiring 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF). Their clients include Fortune 500 companies, among them a major manufacturer of nuclear systems.

They found 6DoF allows them to address larger and more lucrative systems. The ability to take measurements in tight, hard-to-reach and hidden areas has saved them the time and effort of doing multiple Laser Tracker relocations during projects. Time savings is estimated at 50%.

Additionally, the ActiveSeek feature allows MMS' operators to focus more on the measurement than on not breaking the beam, especially when working in tricky areas with obstructions.


Case Study
Quality Control & Inspection
Energy & Natural Resources
Measurement Service Providers
Laser Trackers
Quality Control & Inspection (BP)
Production & Assembly

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