
Emirates uses the ScanArm to produce new components of its fleet

The well-known airline Emirates will introduce 3D printed components in some of their aircrafts.

Emirates implemented the measure after wanting to install lighter parts and to facilitate the inventory of components, thus reducing waiting times in case of failure of any of the assemblies of an aircraft.


3D Systems, a company specializing in 3D printing, measured components such as video protectors and ventilation grilles using the FARO® ScanArm and 3D System Geomagic Design X™. After processing the measurements through Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), the pieces were printed, marking a radical change within the world of aircraft.

The components have been subjected to various tests in order to obtain the EASA certification for airworthiness. If the certification is approved, the renewal will be applied to a specific parts of the Emirates fleet, before gradually introducing the change to all aircraft.

“Over the last two years Emirates Engineering has been actively exploring 3D printing for aircraft cabin parts as it is a transformational technology that can be used to achieve an increase in efficiency and productivity
-Ahmed Safa,
Senior Vice President- Engineering Support Services

Thanks to the non-contact 3D scanning capabilities of the FARO ScanArm and Geomagic Design X™, Emirates has been able to leverage 3D Printing to save time and raw material, speed up the production in the manufacture of the new components that fit perfectly thanks to the precise measurement process, which helps with the serial printing of the pieces that need to be replaced.

For more information, click HERE

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