
4 Reasons for Construction Owners to use 360° Photo Documentation

4 Reasons for Construction Owners to use 360° Photo Documentation

As a construction owner, getting an accurate picture of your site during a renovation, new build or maintenance work can be a challenge, especially when done remotely. This can make the task of communicating clearly with contractors and the on-site team an issue, particularly when on-site visits are too costly and time-consuming to conduct regularly.

The good news?

Construction progress management technology has now evolved to a point where owners can view their entire site in 360° from all angles during each stage of the project without ever stepping foot on-site.

Using the latest in 360° photo capture technology, owners can monitor and track the progress of their project to ensure that it stays on track and within specifications requested.

Here's how 360° photo documentation tools bring value to construction owners.

  1. Improve Your Bottom Line with Reduced Time On-site

  2. Improve Your Bottom Line with Reduced Time On-site

    With a cloud-based visual representation of the site in 360°, owners can reduce the need to be on-site, communicating with contractors remotely on what needs to be done or corrected if work has gone off track.

    By eliminating the need to be on-site, owners can focus their attention elsewhere, course correct much more quickly on the project, all from a remote location. All of this can significantly benefit their bottom line with a substantial ROI long term.

  3. Create Reliable As-Built Records
  4. One of the biggest challenges owners face when beginning renovation or maintenance work is accessing a reliable as-built record to share with the contractor. Paper-based as-builts may be outdated, inaccurate and difficult to locate.

    By choosing a 360° construction progress management tool which captures an accurate digital representation of the site, owners now have a Single Source of Truth and reliable as-built record that is updated digitally with every project to ensure the utmost accuracy. With this in-hand, owners can confidently proceed with new projects based on data easily accessed through a single platform.

  5. Eliminate Miscommunications and Confusion

  6. Pre-project planning

    A clear picture of your site that everyone can access is key to ensuring everyone on your team is on the same page. Viewing your site in 360° within a single construction progress management platform like HoloBuilder allows everyone to understand the status of the site at each stage of the project through completion, improving transparency and thus collaboration along the way.

  7. Pre-project planning

  8. Flagged locations on a digital floor plan

    Using advanced markup technology, it's now possible to pre-plan your contractor's ideal captures using a construction progress management tool.

    Flagged locations on a digital floor plan can be shared with contractors ahead of time before they even set foot on-site. With a 360° photo documentation tool like HoloBuilder, Location Markers can be set in HoloBuilder's Web Editor and shared with the field teams via the JobWalk App.

    Not only does this save time by allowing your contractor to know the most important locations to capture and begin work right away, but ensures no locations get overlooked at any stage of the project period.

    To learn more about how to leverage 360° photo documentation for your next project using a construction progress management tool like HoloBuilder, read our blog.

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As-Built Capture & Modeling
Construction Quality Control
Quality Control & Inspection (BP)
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