SCAN2FX Texture
System Requirements
SCAN2FX Texture uses the full panorama image, allowing you to texture meshes even where no 3D point cloud was captured (e.g. backgrounds, windows, etc.)
- Automatically texture an OBJ mesh previously generated (requires UV layout).
- Apply color by proximity alone or by considering occlusion.
- Automatically color-highlight occluded areas in the texture based on the mesh to later paint in those areas.
- Compute contribution layers to fill in the contribution of a scan where needed, or blend different layers in paint software.
- Create optional masks to identify the missing “bottom,” the occluded areas or the approximate distance from the scanner to a particular pixel for each scan.
- Make a color adjustment to re-balance scans to better match the color of a specific scan, if desired.
- FARO SCENE 2018+
- Third-party software to create UV layouts and load textured OBJ files
- Windows 10+
When used with the SCAN2FX Photo Projector module, SCAN2FX Texture lets you texture meshes with photos or panoramas from DSLR cameras or other cameras. This way, nighttime scans can be textured with daytime photography. Also, incoming RAW photos can be pre-processed or color-graded to match a certain look or camera footage before texturing with SCAN2FX Texture for maximum color fidelity.
The standard SCAN2FX Texture module by itself only outputs textured OBJ meshes and, depending on the settings, extra image layers and / or mask images.
When used with the SCAN2FX Exporter for Mari module, SCAN2FX Texture lets you generate a Mari PY file with a full Mari setup that loads the resulting mesh, an overall layer and contributing layers for each scan. Masks can be loaded from disk if required.
Likewise, with the additional SCAN2FX Exporter for Maya module, SCAN2FX Texture lets you generate a Maya file with a full Maya setup that loads the resulting mesh with texture, an overall shader and individual shaders for each scan layer with the selected mask types (e.g. scan bottom, occluded area or distance from scanner). By assigning different shaders to the mesh, users can preview certain aspects of the texture and / or paint masks within Maya.
- Single user license, 64-bit
- 1 year or 3 years