WHITEPAPER: Use of Technical Assistance Systems to Boost Efficiency & Cut Costs
In the world of Industry 4.0, quality initiatives can be aided with technical assistance solutions such as augmented reality on the production floor, laser templating and in-process verification. In applications ranging from composites and aerospace, to metal fabrication and welding, manufacturers who choose to rely on such technical assistance systems stand to gain time and cost-savings.
Virtual templating and augmented reality tools allow quality issues to be identified quickly and addressed early-on in the process, even before first prototypes arrive for a physical “real world” testing. Manufacturers can ensure a quick transition from the first prototype phase to pilot lots and series production.
Weißes Papier
Harnessing Industry 4.0 for quality inspections & assembly

Weißes Papier
Entwurfsdarstellung und Projektion
Qualitätskontrolle und Inspektion
Metallverarbeitung, Bearbeitung und Montage
Fertigung und Montage