Aufzeichnung des Webinars/der Präsentation

Utilizing 3D Forensic Technology in the Court Room


This livestream course provides attorneys with the ability to utilize revolutionary 3D technology to enhance their courtroom presentations for crime, crash and fire investigations.

As you watch the course, you’ll learn about the history of laser scans' acceptance as it pertains to Daubert, court acceptance of 3D data and the security of digital hashing. You’ll also see how to create deliverables and video fly-throughs with FARO® SCENE2go. Lastly, this training will provide you with information on preparing for witness testimony when utilizing 3D data in the courtroom.

Register and watch for free via NDAA to be eligible for CLE credits.

Aufzeichnung des Webinars/der Präsentation
Strafverfolgung und Verwaltung
Rekonstruktion und Analyse
Brand und Rettung
Forensisches Engineering
Software – Öffentliche Sicherheit und Forensik
Analytik für die öffentliche Sicherheit

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