Aufzeichnung des Webinars/der Präsentation

Unlocking Grants for Next-Gen Public Safety Tech

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The future of public safety lies in solutions that enable crime/crash scene analysis in 3D. FARO 3D reality capture solutions create accurate, comprehensive and photorealistic 3D images of any environment in mere minutes.

Whether you're developing safety systems or conducting post-incident investigations — such as reconstructing bullet paths or determining fire origins — FARO® 3D reality capture hardware and software ensure vivid visualization and excellent detail, even in challenging conditions.

With budgets tightening, securing funding for new or upgraded hardware is critical.

Watch this webinar to explore:

  • Available grants and funding options.
  • Strategies for successful grant applications.
  • Alternative funding options.
  • Insights from people/organizations that have successfully secured funding.


Bob Zink

Bob Zink | Account Manager | FARO Technologies

Bob Zink is a Field Applications Engineer at FARO with over 20 years of law enforcement experience in crash reconstruction and crime scene investigation.


Samantha Dorm

Samantha Dorm | Senior Grant Consultant | Lexipol

Samantha Dorm is a Senior Grant Consultant for Lexipol. She provides grant writing guidance to public safety and non-profit agencies throughout the U.S. and is a reviewer for several federal agencies.

Aufzeichnung des Webinars/der Präsentation
Nationale Sicherheit
Forensisches Engineering
Software – Öffentliche Sicherheit und Forensik
Analytik für die öffentliche Sicherheit

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