
Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Mobile Scanning — A Perfect Blend of Reality Capture

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Want to delve deep into the realm of 3D reality capture technology? Watch this insightful webinar where we explore the nuanced differences between mobile scanning and terrestrial laser scanning — and uncover how they are more closely intertwined than you might think.

Watch this video to learn:

  • How terrestrial laser scanning delivers unparalleled precision for as-built documentation, structural inspections, clash detection and more.
  • The importance of real-time mapping with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for efficient construction progress monitoring, virtual simulation and more.
  • The benefits of combining terrestrial laser scanning and SLAM for comprehensive data capture and enhanced project efficiency.
  • How terrestrial laser scanning and SLAM reduce costs by minimizing rework and facilitating accurate as-built documentation.
  • The synergistic applications of terrestrial laser scanning and SLAM in seamless project management and improved data capture.


Mike Zivanovic

Mike Zivanovic - Senior Solutions Architect | FARO Technologies

Mike Zivanovic combines work experience in the field and office with a passion for construction technology, focusing on design and 3D reality capture.

Brandon Daugherty

Brandon Daugherty - Field Applications Engineer | FARO Technologies

Brandon Daugherty transitioned from college into FARO’s Graduate Program and is eager to help customers understand how 3D reality capture can optimize specific workflows and achieve cost savings.

This informative video is tailored for architects, engineers, construction professionals, surveyors, and anyone keen on harnessing the latest advancements in mapping technology to enhance their projects.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from industry experts and explore cutting-edge technology — like the new FARO® Orbis Mobile Scanner.

Watch this video to learn how to improve your project outcomes with FARO’s hardware and software solutions.

Architektur, Ingenieur- und Bauwesen
Software – Architektur, Ingenieur- und Bauwesen
Apps und Plug-ins
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Wartung und Bedienung
Architektur, Ingenieur- und Bauwesen
Energie und Rohstoffe
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Metallverarbeitung, Bearbeitung und Montage
Ermittlung bei Verdacht auf Brandstiftung
As-Built Bestandserfassung und -modellierung
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