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Industry-leading 3D scanning, vital for fast measurements

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Join FARO's Will Pitarello, a Senior Applications Specialist in this unique learning opportunity to discover how the new Leap ST handheld 3D scanner and CAM2 Software will greatly enhance your precision measurement needs.

The 45-min recorded virtual event will explore how Leaps ST's excellent data rate and the ability to switch between modes will enable manufacturers to scan parts in less time with high accuracy, along with industry-leading software data processing and analysis.

Whether it's inspecting engine chassis, deep hole access, or ensuring quality assurance in aircraft wing construction, turbines and fuselages, Leap ST and CAM2 have your scanning and data analysis needs covered.

Learn how to:

  • Multiple operating modes in one device offers high versatility and increases your application fit
  • Optical configuration allows the placement of fewer targets
  • Blue laser, infrared, and photogrammetry technology and optical filters makes it possible to scan almost any surface
  • Confirm operator results:VDI/VDE 2634 certified devices can make the difference in the manufacturing business



Will Pitarello

Will Pitarello | Senior Application Specialist | FARO Technologies

Will has 10 years’ experience as a Senior Application Specialist for 3D Metrology at FARO and 15 years’ experience at the company. He has degrees in Industrial Engineering and Business Administration.

Aufzeichnung des Webinars/der Präsentation
Qualitätskontrolle & Inspektion (BP)
Qualitätskontrolle Baugewerbe
Fertigung und Montage
Qualitätskontrolle und Inspektion
Metallverarbeitung, Bearbeitung und Montage
Leap ST
Ingenieurwesen und Design

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