
Faro Zone 2025: The Complete Field-to-Finish Solution

One portfolio, three solutions. That’s what you get when you enter the exciting world of FARO® Zone Software, Public Safety’s go-to tool for diagramming, scene reconstruction, forensic analysis, and the creation of stunning courtroom-ready visuals.

Whether it’s a straightforward 2D diagram, animations, flythroughs, or the depiction of a 3D immersive crime or crash event, FARO Zone 3D empowers investigators with the ability to present evidence in a compelling easy-to-understand manner.

FARO Zone includes three software:

  • FARO Zone 2D
  • FARO Zone 3D Expert
  • FARO Zone 3D Expert Plus

FARO Zone 3D Expert Plus does what no similar forensic software on the market can do: complete in-software point cloud registration. By eliminating the extra step of exporting point cloud data to another software program, investigators save time, gain workflow efficiencies, and can create those CSI-like courtroom visuals faster than ever.

Watch the video above to learn more about this intuitive, data-agnostic (integrate data from laser scanners, drones, phones, and other sources) complete field-to-finish solution and hear the endorsement of a customer already benefiting from its use.

Get in the Zone today!

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Rekonstruktion und Analyse
Ermittlung bei Verdacht auf Brandstiftung
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Software – Öffentliche Sicherheit und Forensik
Analytik für die öffentliche Sicherheit

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Faro Zone 2025: The Complete Field-to-Finish Solution

Watch this video to learn about FARO Zone 3D Software, Public Safety’s go-to tool for forensic analysis, scene documentation, and the creation of stunning courtroom visuals.

Utilizing 3D Forensic Technology in the Court Room

Learn how to use revolutionary 3D technology to enhance your courtroom presentations for crime, crash and fire investigations.

Forensic experts reduce overtime by 25% & improve courtroom deliverables

SUCCESS CASE: OEC Forensics achieves complete preservation of evidence with 3D laser scanning - As a forensic engineering firm specialized in mot…

Software FARO Zone

Scarica la nuova brochure FARO Zone 2024 per conoscere le ultime caratteristiche di questa suite software leader del settore e i vantaggi di FotoPoints e MassZone Collision Prediction.