
Technology in the Trades - 3D Laser Scanning Scanning the USS Intrepid

Technology in the Trades - 3D Laser Scanning Scanning the USS Intrepid_thumb

The promise of field-accurate site conditions, inside a three-dimensional (3D) building information modeling (BIM) project, is becoming a reality on construction sites and in early design discussions, thanks to better software import capabilities and newer, less-expensive, field-scanning technologies. Learn how the USS Intrepid served as the centerpiece for the 3D laser training course to help educate students to learn how to create highly accurate 3D point clouds of existing structures and various mechanical systems for use with BIM applications, so they can use it in their own local training centers.


Architektur, Ingenieur- und Bauwesen
Entwurfsdarstellung und Projektion
Architektur, Ingenieur- und Bauwesen
Design und Planung
Software – Architektur, Ingenieur- und Bauwesen

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